We would like to offer our sympathy and best wishes to all of our industry colleagues, customers and suppliers, particularly in the travel and aviation sectors, who have been severely impacted by the recent COVID-19 outbreak.
ECHA Microbiology continues to closely monitor the situation on a daily basis as it develops, and is working tirelessly to ensure the right balance is maintained between operational safety and keeping any supply disruption to our customers to a minimum.
We would like to reassure all of our customers that despite the recent surge in demand we have seen for specific product lines (particularly in the aviation sector due to an increased number of aircraft being grounded), we have taken the appropriate measures to increase the frequency of our product manufacturing and boosted stocking of certain product lines in various locations across the world, in an effort to ensure our products remain available globally throughout this period of uncertainty.
If you have any questions or concerns in relation to this matter, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us via info@echamicrobiology.com, and we will be happy to help.