ECHA Personnel have been responsible for a range of technical papers over the years, ranging from academic research reports to industrial guidance documents; and now they are all available to download.




Routine Monitoring Aircraft Fuel with MicrobMonitor2 (IATA Guidance)

This Technical Guidance document provides information on using the MicrobMonitor2 test kit to monitor for microbial contamination in aircraft fuel tanks in accordance with IATA guidance.


Does Biobor JF in fuel interfere with the ability of MicrobMonitor2 to detect live microbial contamination?

This study looks at whether the presence of Biobar JF in aviation fuel or associated water samples could interfere with the ability of MicrobMonitor2 to detect viable microorganisms. March 2024, Lucy Owen, Echa Microbiology Ltd


Investigation of relationship between water content in bio-diesels and microbial growth and contamination

IASH 2015, the 14th International Symposium on Stability, Handling and use of Liquid Fuels, Charleston, South Carolina USA, 4-8 October 2015, Gareth Williams, Leon O’Malley & Graham C. Hill,  ECHA Microbiology Ltd.


A Global Survey of the Incidence of FAME and Microbial Contamination in Marine Distillate Fuels

IASH 2015, the 14th International Symposium on Stability, Handing and Use of Liquid Fuels, G.Hill, L O’Malley, G. Williams, Paul Livingston & Timothy Wilson (ECHA Microbiology Ltd, Guardian Marine Testing Ltd., Lloyds Register of Shipping)


Interlaboratory Studies of a Thixotropic Gel Culture Method for Field and Laboratory Testing for Microbiological Contamination in Fuels

13th International Conference of Stability and Handling of Liquid Fuels, October 18-22, 2013, Rhodes, Greece, Graham C. Hill, Derek J. Collins & Andrew Ryan (ECHA Microbiology Ltd, QINETIQ)


Stratergies for Resolving Problems Caused by Microbial Growth in Terminals and Retail Sites Handling Bio-diesel

IASH 2009, the 11th International Conference on Stability and Handling of Liquid Fuels Prague, Czech Republic October 18-22, 2009, E.C.HILL, G.C.HILL, ECHA Microbiology Ltd.


Microbiological Monitoring On Site

International Conference on Condition Monitoring University Of Wales Swansea 12-15 April 1999,  E C.Hill, GC.Hill and DJ.Collins, Echa Microbiology Ltd 


Why Ships?

IMAS97 Ships The Aging Process, Institute of Marine Engineers 1997, E.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd


Today’s Fuels – Bio Friendly for Man – and for Microbes.

Autumn 2008 Downstream.  E. C. Hill


SUMMARY of Microbial Contamination and Associated Corrosion in Fuels, During Storage, Distribution and Use.

II World Congress on Corrosion in the Military, Napoli, September 2007, E.C. Hill and G.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd.


Microbial Spoilage and Health Risk Assessments

TAEsslingen 2000,  E.C Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd.


Microbial Proliferation in Bilge’s and its Relation to Pitting Corrosion of Hull Plate of Inshore Vessels

E.C. Hill & G.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd