ECHA was delighted to visit China again this month and support the long-standing efforts of one of its key Authorised Distributors, e-Aero Technology Co.
ECHA appointed e-Aero as its Authorised Distributor for China just over 10 years ago, and since then the relationship has gone from strength to strength.
We would like to congratulate e-Aero on their rapidly growing business in the region, and also thank them for being such excellent hosts once again during our time in China.
The trip provided us with an excellent opportunity to meet with some of our long-standing, key customers in China, and we were delighted to reach so many cities during our time there.
ECHA recognises China as one if its strongest markets to date, and will continue to seek new opportunities in the region through the support of e-Aero.
Here are some snapshots of our time with e-Aero, and from some of our presentations/training sessions provided to our clients: