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ECHA is back at Live Events!

Check out the below upcoming events to see where we’ll be next:

Inter Airport Europe 2021 / Munich: 9th – 12th November 2021. Mike Haywood, Sales & Marketing Manager, will be in attendance.

IATA Aviation Fuel Forum / Geneva: 9th – 11th November 2021. Graham Hill, Managing Director, will be moderating the panel on Microbiological contamination in aircraft fuel systems, alongside Lufthansa, Airbus, Boeing, and Hammonds, in the Technical Session on the 10th November, where panellists will be outlining updates to the IATA Guidance Material on microbiological contamination in aircraft fuel tanks and latest changes relating to biocide use and microbial testing.

Stay tuned to this post for the latest updates on our scheduled events, or sign up to our newsletter right away by completing the form below:

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