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ECHA Takes Part in 3rd “Living on Hydrogen” Webinar

The demand for hydrogen gas as a fuel is expected to increase in the coming years. However, large-scale storage of hydrogen presents a challenge. While underground storage of hydrogen has been proposed as a solution, understanding the role that microbes may play in this process is a hot topic. This will be the focus of the third “Living on Hydrogen” webinar, organised by NORCE Norwegian Research Centre and Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), set to take place on May 4th, 2023.

The event gathers cross-disciplinary scientists, operators, and industry members interested in understanding the potential microbial risks. Gareth Williams, Consultancy Services Manager, will be presenting his findings from his investigation of hydrogen sulphide generation in an underground salt cavern used for butane storage.

If you’re interested in hearing and discussing the latest results, mark your calendar for the 4th of May 2023, and register for the free online webinar here:

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