
ECHA Sponsors IATA Aviation Fuel Management Event

Hosted by IATA, this Aviation Industry gathering was primarily focused on Microbial Contamination in Jet Fuel.

Given ECHA’s level of expertise on the topic of microbiological issues associated with Jet Fuel, we were delighted to both present and exhibit at the gathering.

The Conference brought together a wide range of companies from all over the world, who each had an interest in microbial contamination in Jet Fuel.

Commercial Airlines, Jet Fuel Suppliers, and Equipment OEMs were all in attendance, and the level of technical discussions was excellent as a result.

ECHA MD, Graham Hill, alongside industry peer Ed English of Fuel Quality Services Inc, was delighted to present on more than one occasion, and share his long-standing knowledge and expertise with the Conference Delegates.

We were delighted to see such a topic-specific event gain such interest, and we would like to thank IATA for putting together what turned out to be a very successful Conference.

Here are a few snapshots from the event: