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Microbial growth can occur in diesel and gas oil fuel tanks wherever water accumulates, through condensation or inadequate bunkering practices. Fuel bunkered from barges is especially prone to water contamination. Heavy microbial growth can occur in the presence of water which can compromise fuel quality, leading to issues such as filter clogging, fuel line blockages, injector fouling, and engine damage when tank contents are disturbed, such as during tank filling. Diesel fuel contamination has even caused power generator failures on offshore platforms, resulting in production delays.

Modern diesel fuels for marine use, often containing biodiesel (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters or FAME) are particularly susceptible to microbial growth.  Some specifications allow blending of biodiesel at up to 7%, but even fuels without intentionally added Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME) may contain them as contaminants.

While the current ISO 8217 DMA specification permits a minimal FAME concentration of 0.1%, there are proposals to raise this to 0.5%. There is also speculation that low sulphur fuels may be more prone to microbial growth, but further research is needed to fully understand this phenomenon.


How can ECHA can help with Marine Fuel Quality

  • ECHA can analyse the extent of microbiological contamination in fuel samples from your vessel or facility at our UK Laboratory. Learn more about our Laboratory Testing service.
  • Equip your team with on-board microbial Test Kits like ECHA’s MicrobMonitor®2, a globally recognised industry standard test (ASTM D7978 and IP613). It can be used on-site or in the laboratory by non-microbiologists to detect microbiological contamination.
  • Address concerns about microbiological contamination by conducting surveys of tanks and systems on board your vessel or platform. Learn more about our Site Surveys.
  • Receive expert advice on remediation, control, monitoring strategies, and best practices from our consultancy services.
  • Enhance your team’s understanding with our comprehensive, tailored training courses on microbiological contamination of marine fuels.