Tag: Corrosion


Microbiological Monitoring On Site

International Conference on Condition Monitoring University Of Wales Swansea 12-15 April 1999,  E C.Hill, GC.Hill and DJ.Collins, Echa Microbiology Ltd 


Why Ships?

IMAS97 Ships The Aging Process, Institute of Marine Engineers 1997, E.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd


SUMMARY of Microbial Contamination and Associated Corrosion in Fuels, During Storage, Distribution and Use.

II World Congress on Corrosion in the Military, Napoli, September 2007, E.C. Hill and G.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd.


Microbial Proliferation in Bilge’s and its Relation to Pitting Corrosion of Hull Plate of Inshore Vessels

E.C. Hill & G.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd


Microbial Corrosion in Ships Tanks – Detection and Remediation

Tankcare 2000, Hamburg, 13-14 May 1996.  E.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd