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What is the Incubator used for?
The electrically heated Incubator is an adjustable and regulated incubation chamber for incubating microbial tests at between 25-45°C.
The Incubator is compatible with ECHA test kits, including MicrobMonitor®2, Sig Sulphide®, Sig Nitrite®, Dip Slides, and others. If test kits are incubated at low or fluctuating ambient temperatures, it can affect the speed of obtaining results. Providing an optimised incubation temperature will ensure that the tests produce reliable results in the shortest possible time.
Which microbial test kits can I incubate?
- MicrobMonitor®2 – Up to 12 tests can be incubated simultaneously.
- Dip Slides – Up to 15 Dip Slide tests can be incubated simultaneously
- Sig Nitrite®/Sulphide® – Up to 20 tests can be incubated simultaneously
- Other culture and enzyme-based tests