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What does Sig Sulphide® Test For?

The Sig Sulphide® SRB test kit allows you to reliably detect the extent of bacterial sulphide generation and assess the associated risk of Microbially Influenced Corrosion (MIC).  This method is widely used by water treatment companies, world-renowned environmental test laboratories, oil companies and marine surveyors.  It is recognised as a useful tool in detecting the risk of corrosion before it becomes too costly or difficult to manage, as well as for investigating corrosion incidents.

Sig Sulphide® also shows a good correlation with the NACE TMO 194 standard test method for detecting corrosive sulphate reducing bacteria. The ability to test easily on-site helps avoid the errors associated with delays in transferring samples to a test laboratory and offers much quicker results and significant cost savings.


What can I test with Sig Sulphide®?

The Sig Sulphide® SRB test kit can be used to test samples of:

  • Bilge water
  • Ballast water
  • Fuel tank bottom water
  • Metal working fluids
  • Process waters
  • Lubricants
  • Environmental waters
  • Metal surfaces which are prone to attack by SRB. A swab can be used to swab surfaces or corrosion pits and the swab is thrust into a Sig Sulphide tube.


How do you use the Sig Sulphide® Test?

The SRB test kit provides a quick, safe, and user-friendly method for detection, without the need for specialised training or equipment. Simply add a small amount of fluid or corrosion deposit to the screw-capped tube. Results are indicated by a change in colour of the gel inside the test tube, which corresponds to the level of sulphate reducing bacteria or other bacterial sulphide-generating activity present. Results are semi-quantitative and easy to read.

A positive result is identified by a black line at the interface after incubation, and the rate at which this line spreads downwards into the gel indicates the severity of the sulphate reducing bacteria contamination.


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