ECHA Personnel have been responsible for a range of technical papers over the years, ranging from academic research reports to industrial guidance documents; and now they are all available to download.




Microbial Corrosion in Ships Tanks – Detection and Remediation

Tankcare 2000, Hamburg, 13-14 May 1996.  E.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd


Microbial contamination and associated corrosion in fuels, during storage, distribution and use

Napoli September / October 2007, Edward C. Hill & G C Hill


Investigation of factors affecting the spoilage susceptibility of fuels with a view to development of a fuel biovunerability test

IASH 2000, 7th International Conference On Stability and Handling of Liquid Fuels,  G.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd; Joachim W.J. Koenig, JWJK Systems Consultancy; R.N. Smith, Biodeterioration Centre University of Hertfordshire; Barry Herbert, 1 Kestrel Close Sittingbourne Kent


Effect of temperature on the rate of kill of anti-microbials for aviation fuel

IASH 2007, The 10th International Conference On Stability, Handling And Use Of Liquid Fuels Tucson, USA, October 7 – 11, 2007,  Graham C. Hill, Edward C. Hill, Rachael Ling and Derek J. Collins


Detection and Remediation of Microbial Spoilage and Corrosion in Aviation Kerosine – From Refinery to Wing

IASH 2000, the 7th International Conference on Stability and Handling of Liquid Fuels. Graz, Austria, September 24-29, 2000.  E.C. Hill and G.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd


Controlling Microbes in Lube Oil

Marine Lub Buyer Vol 2 No 4, Nov 1999, E.C.Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd


Biodegradability After Use but not In Use

1994 Technical Akademic Esslingen 9th International Conference,  E.C. Hill & G.C. Hill, Echa Microbiology Ltd